Limitations affecting voting rights or the transfer of shares

There are legal limitations affecting voting rights of certain shares pursuant to section 71b AktG and section 71d S. 4 in conjunction with section 71b AktG. As of the balance sheet date, United Internet holds 17,338,513 treasury shares representing 8.46% of capital stock.

There are also legal limitations affecting voting rights regarding a conflict of interests pursuant to section 136 (1) AktG for shares held by the Management Board and Supervisory Board.

Among the members of the Management Board, Mr. Ralph Dommermuth held 82,500,000 shares of United Internet AG (40.24% of capital stock) as of December 31, 2019. Moreover, Mr. Frank Krause held 5,482 shares (0.00% of capital stock).

As of December 31, 2019, no members of the Supervisory Board held shares in United Internet AG.

There are no limitations affecting the transfer of shares.