Notes on the KPIs

The key performance indicators (KPIs) reported pursuant to the EU’s Taxonomy Regulation (turnover, CapEx, and OpEx) are based on the figures given in United Internet AG’s consolidated financial statements. United Internet AG’s consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union (EU) and the supplementary regulations set out in section 315e(1) of the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch – HGB).

The turnover, CapEx, and OpEx identified as associated with Taxonomy-eligible activities and the total amounts used were reconciled with the relevant population at Group level, allowing potential double-counting to be checked and prevented.

  • Turnover

The EU’s Taxonomy Regulation defines turnover as the revenue recognized pursuant to IAS 1.82(a). The “turnover” KPI disclosed for the United Internet Group represents the ratio of the turnover from Taxonomy-aligned economic activities to total revenue. The total revenue can be taken from the statement of net income in United Internet AG’s consolidated financial statements (see the table on page 157 in the “Explanations of items in the income statement – 5. Sales revenue/segment reporting” section). The denominator of the “turnover” KPI is based on our consolidated net revenue.

The numerator of the “turnover” KPI is defined as that part of the net revenue from good and services, including intangible goods, that is associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities. Our data center products are currently United Internet’s only revenue-generating activities that are Taxonomy-eligible. The revenue from products and rate plans that are associated with activity 8.1 “Data processing, hosting, and related activities” was assigned accordingly in the segments concerned. Taxonomy-eligible turnover in the 2022 reporting period accounted for 22.5% of total revenue. No Taxonomy-aligned turnover was reported .

  • CapEx

The “CapEx” KPI is based on the additions to property, plant, and equipment and intangible assets during the fiscal year under review before depreciation, amortization, and any remeasurements for the fiscal year in question; no adjustments are made to the fair values (in particular application of IAS 16, IAS 38, IFRS 16 leases with rights of use in lease assets). The overall figure for capital expenditure used for the EU’s Taxonomy is disclosed in the consolidated financial statements under the “Explanations of items in the income statement– 5. Sales revenue/segment reporting” section; see the last column (“United Internet Group”) of the line item entitled “Investments in intangible assets and property, plant and equipment (without goodwill)” in the table on page 157. This capital expenditure is used as the denominator for the “CapEx” KPI.

The numerator for the “CapEx” KPI corresponds to the share of the denominator related to assets or processes that are associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (“category (a)”) plus the share related to the purchase of output from Taxonomy-aligned economic activities and individual measures (“category (c)”).

The investments were assigned to the various Taxonomy activities using the asset classes concerned. A further distinction was made in the case of the “IFRS 16 leases” asset class between buildings and data centers. Capital expenditure on these asset classes was generally assigned to economic activity 7.7 “Acquisition and ownership of buildings.” However, where this capital expenditure relates to data centers, it is assigned to activity 8.1 “Data processing, hosting, and related activities.” Capital expenditure attributable to IFRS 16 leases represent the largest share of Taxonomy-eligible investments for the 2022 reporting period. The share of Taxonomy-eligible investments in the 2022 reporting period was 21.5%. No Taxonomy-aligned investments were reported.

  • OpEx

The “OpEx” KPI is based on the direct, non-capitalized costs that relate to research and development (R&D), building renovation measures, short-term leases, and maintenance and repair of property, plant, and equipment by the Company or third parties that is necessary to ensure the continued functioning of such assets. Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178 requires training costs to be included in the numerator. Consequently, our understanding is that these cost centers must also be included in the denominator.

At United Internet, the “OpEx” KPI represents the share of operating expenditure as defined by the Taxonomy that is associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (“category (a)”) or that relates to the purchase of output and individual measures enabling the target activities to become low-carbon or to lead to greenhouse gas reductions, or to individual building renovation measures (“category (c)”).

United Internet’s Taxonomy-eligible share of operating expenditure was determined by analyzing the cost centers for building renovation measures, short-term leases, and maintenance and repair, and assigning them to the identified economic activities pursuant to the EU’s Taxonomy on the basis of their names and entry texts. No short-term leases relating to the identified Taxonomy activities were established. The share of Taxonomy-eligible operating expenditure in the 2022 reporting period was 12.7%. No Taxonomy-aligned investments were reported.

Overview of Taxonomy Reporting KPIs for Fiscal Year 2022

Grafik 2

See Key Figures According to EU Taxonomy