
United Internet AG
Elgendorfer Straße 57
56410 Montabaur
Phone: +49 2602 / 96 - 1100
Fax: +49 2602 / 96 - 1013

Management Board
Ralph Dommermuth
Carsten Theurer
Markus Huhn

Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Philipp von Bismarck

Registration Court
Montabaur, HRB 5762

VAT identification number
DE 149340676


Rounding differences compared to the mathematically exact values for monetary units, percentages, etc. can occur in tables and references. In 2022, figures were rounded to one decimal place and adjusted retrospectively; as a result, discrepancies can occur compared to 2021.

This report is available in German and English. Both versions can be downloaded from In case of doubt, the German version shall prevail.


This report contains certain forward-looking statements which reflect the current views of United Internet’s Management Board with regard to future events. These forward-looking statements are based on our current plans, estimates, and expectations, and only reflect facts valid at the time when the statements were made. Such statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, as well as other factors which United Internet often cannot influence but which might cause our actual results to differ materially from these statements. Such risks, uncertainties, and other factors are described in detail in the Risk Report section of United Internet AG’s Annual Reports. United Internet AG does not intend to revise or update such forward-looking statements.


Realisation of the digital sustainability report of United Internet AG with the online reporting solution igroupREPORT and the software for financial and sustainability reporting firesys.