Social Responsibility

  • GRI 3-3

The “Social Responsibility” chapter comprises the material topics of diversity, inclusion, equality, and accessibility, and working conditions. The last-mentioned topic is presented in the “Working Conditions and Human Resources Strategy” section. In addition, we report on training and education, recruiting and retaining young talent, occupational health and safety and health management, and our social commitment.

Since the material aspects of inclusion and accessibility were only identified for the first time in our 2022 materiality analysis, no overarching management approach exists for them yet. However, we intend to continue systematizing both these new aspects and existing activities and processes going forward, and to base them on an end-to-end policy with input from corporate management. The future management approach for the material topics mentioned should include clear targets and rules on due diligence, define measures, and ensure their success is measurable and transparent.

As an internet and telecommunications company, United Internet is also subject to the typical features for this sector: a rapidly changing environment, short innovation cycles, and intense competition. Dedicated and highly skilled employees and managers are a key factor in mastering these challenges.

United Internet aims to be a fair and attractive employer.

Highly qualified, well-trained employees are the cornerstone of United Internet’s business success. It is therefore vital for us to meet our short-, medium-, and long-term staffing requirements and ensure that our workforce has the necessary specialist skills. If we fail to do this, United Internet might not be able to do business effectively or to achieve its growth targets.

This means we set great store by our human resources activities, which range from employee recruitment through customized onboarding and training formats for specific target groups, job-specific qualification programs, and support for individual career paths down to employee development and long-term staff retention.

In addition, employees’ ability to identify with the company they work for is becoming more important to them – and this is something that can be enhanced by employers’ social commitment, among other things. Equally, initiatives and projects extending above and beyond the company concerned are highly important to other stakeholders. For example, potential customers and applicants are increasingly selecting their suppliers, products, and employers on the basis of the companies’ social commitment. We aim to make a contribution here by supporting the United Internet for UNICEF foundation.

Contribution to the SDGs

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.