Product Responsibility

  • GRI 416
  • GRI 416-1

Responsibility for Health

1&1 Drillisch AG intends to build a state-of-the-art 5G mobile network in the coming years. 1&1 Drillisch’s successful participation in the 5G frequency auction in the spring of 2019 was the first milestone on the way to constructing its own mobile network. The next step was to reach an agreement on national roaming – the use of third-party networks while it is building its own network infrastructure – with the established network operators.

Our plans to operate our own network focus squarely on the benefit to our customers. We track the state of the art in mobile network usage – and particularly 5G – continuously and closely.

Scientists have been investigating the electromagnetic radiation produced by mobile networks for decades now, and its effects on humans have been thoroughly researched in numerous studies.

The Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (the Federal Office for Radiation Protection) has confirmed that, at present, there is no reliable information to suggest that the new mobile network standard could affect our health. For 5G, as for all previous mobile network standards, the basic principle is that no impact on health has been proven at levels below the applicable limits.

The Federal Government is also aiming to deepen dialog with citizens and address any concerns relating to the new mobile network standard with its “Deutschland spricht über 5G“ (German only) initiative. The risks, challenges, and opportunities associated with 5G will be discussed in a trustworthy and even-handed manner in online discussions, chats, and articles with the goal being to increase trust in, and acceptance of, this forward-looking technology even further. Among other things, the initiative will look at sustainability aspects such as the potential for cutting carbon emissions by reducing electricity usage.

United Internet will continue to closely track research on mobile network usage, and will act responsibly should this be necessary.

Responsibility for Youth Protection

  • GRI 417-1

As a company, we are not just responsible for customer satisfaction, but also for those customers and internet users who still have to learn how to use our products and services. In line with this, we advocate youth protection and educating people on how to behave online.

The internet is a key part of children’s and young people’s everyday lives, be it for communication, researching lessons, or entertainment. However, these groups are often not media literate enough to deal with issues they come across on the internet if they are unfamiliar with them, or if content is inappropriate, and lack the experience needed to assess the risks and protect themselves. Depending on their level of development, suitable measures and education on possible dangers and risks are therefore needed to ensure they are adequately protected and that they can use the internet without any worries. We are aware that we share this responsibility as a provider of internet and telecommunications services.

In line with this, United Internet – and especially its Consumer Applications Segment – ensures that both its own products and its partner offerings comply with the legal requirements for youth protection. Internal reviews are performed during product development and launches, and any necessary modifications are made, to ensure that children and young people are not confronted with inappropriate content. Our GMX, WEB.DE, and 1&1 portals also take care to comply with youth protection legislation in both their editorial content and their advertising, and to find the right balance between providing a comprehensive range of information and ensuring we live up to our responsibility towards children and young people. We do this, e.g., by managing the information presented and the times when it is transmitted.

See our guidelines on the United Internet Media website.

We have appointed a Youth Protection Officer who acts as the central point of contact for youth protection. She advises the various departments and functions internally, handles external contacts on this issue, liaises regularly with other youth protection officers, and represents the organization in its dealings with associations and supervisory authorities. Youth protection e-mail addresses have been set up for all portals; the details are given in the legal notices for the relevant sites. They allow people outside the organization to contact the Youth Protection Officer and the Youth Protection Team with any questions or complaints.

Above and beyond this contact information, the portals’ youth protection sections provide information and tips and tricks designed to educate children, young people, and their parents, and to improve their media literacy. The material provided includes links to youth protection programs and information about counseling services and contacts for specific topics and problems associated with internet usage.